Effects of Deforestation
Erosion of the forests is known as deforestation. It is excruciating to see that man doesn’t look hesitated in obtaining a better lifestyle at the cost of natural resources. Ever-increasing avarice of man has put all the natural resources at stake and forests have no exception in this regard. To gain a better lifestyle man is wiping out the trees fast, which is resulting in horrible outcomes. Let us look at the devastation being brought by the deforestation.
The abundance of Carbon Dioxide
For centuries, trees have been absorbing Carbon dioxide and keeping the atmosphere suitable for living. Now as the trees are being removed at a rather fast pace, this insalubrious gas has started to harm us more than ever before. Carbon Dioxide is so deadly that if its level crosses the 5% mark it increases the cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure, which eventually results in the death of the person. Besides this harmful gas can also cause high blood pressure, headache, flushed skin, vomit etc. Therefore, it is the need of the time that we spread more and more verdure to minimize the dangers of this fatal gas.
Irregularity of temperature
Trees assist in maintaining a moderate temperature. Moderate temperature benefits us in many ways. It meliorates our memory. It also makes it easy for us to work with more efficiency. Many organs of the body including heart and lung remain healthy at moderate temperature. From the time we started cutting the trees, the temperature of the earth has started to climb up. This temperature rise has its own detritions. High temperature makes you exhaust soon. Likewise, high temperature causes heat clamps, heat stroke and ultimately death. Additionally, the high temperature makes it necessary to use the air conditioners that have their own adverse effects on the environment.
Increase in land sliding
Trees keep the soil bounded and prevent it from getting crawled. Now as forests are being cleaned off, the chances of land sliding have increased more than ever before. The more the land will slide, the more the problems will arise. If land continues to slide at a constant pace, we might have to face the shortage of cultivable land that could lead to famines. Moreover, land sliding will also affect a variety of sources like water supplies, fisheries, roads, dams etc. It will also damage the public properties and casualties can occur.
The threat to the wildlife
Forests are the habitat to billions of the wild animals and they depend upon them for their aliment as well. Removal of the trees will deprive animals of their abode and food. That will also make it extremely difficult for them to keep their existence. Left alone with no place to live and nothing to eat there is a possibility that they might start rushing towards the nearby populations, which will not only put the lives of millions of people at risk but also damage their properties. All these dangers can be avoided by controlling the removal of the trees.
Global Warming
Global warming is perhaps the greatest threat faced by the people of the current age. Adaptation of the luxurious lifestyle in addition to many modern inventions has started to affect the atmosphere big time. Global warming has raised the temperature of our beautiful earth and this planet has started to heat up. Because of this increase in temperature, glaciers are melting quickly. Consequently, the water level in the sees is increasing and we are always in danger of facing horrible floods. Besides diseases likes of allergies and asthma also caused by global warming. Global warming is also the reason for forest fires, which affect millions of animals and incinerate thousands of precious trees every year.
It is the need of the hour that we realize the sensitivity of the issue and take solid steps to cease the massacre (I believe so) of the woods. It is our moral duty to protect the atmosphere from harmful substances and transfer it to the next generations as safely as possible. By acting wisely and responsibly, we cannot only save the natural resources but can also rescue the millions of aglossal creations.
Waqas Rafique