How can different emotions be tackled
Our lives are filled with unanticipated events. These unforeseen events take place in the most unexpected situations and at the most unexpected times. They turn out to be our greatest blessings at times and our worst nightmares at other times. They strike you hard and in ways that you simply detest being struck. These experiences might occasionally radically alter you. Some events cause feelings in you that can occasionally turn into complete nightmares for you. Another intriguing feature is that these feelings appear to be strongly connected to specific events and to your brain. It appears as though our emotions, these events, and our brains form a triangle. When you least expect it, your brain will elicit memories of past events, which will then trigger your emotions and put you in a state of intense suffering and anguish. Nobody can predict how long that anguish will endure or how severe it will be, but one thing is for certain: these feelings occasionally have the power to ruin you. They can obliterate your capacity for thought and rob you of inner tranquilly. They may even cause you to lose concern for your loved ones. And that, in my opinion, is the riskiest element of this situation. God has given you those companions who are always concerned for you, and whose joy is closely related to yours. Your happiness makes them happy, and your grief makes them sad. They are unable to differentiate between their joy and your joy, or their sorrow and your sorrow. Therefore, one should strive to avoid letting any unneeded emotions overwhelm their intellect and disturb their inner calm. This life is similar to travelling on a public transportation system, where you get to meet a variety of new individuals every day. Some of them appeal to you more than others. However, loving someone does not necessarily imply that you will travel with them in the future.Do not forget that you two belong to different places and have distinct aspirations for your lives. Therefore, you must make sure that no one takes your focus away from your personal goals and objectives. There is no denying that being drawn to someone is quite normal and inevitable. In a similar vein, I guess that liking or disliking is also outside our control. But what we should strive to avoid is letting these depressing emotions lead us astray from our intended course. When we find ourselves in a situation like this, we ought to pause and think about the objectives we have set for ourselves in life. We ought to make an effort to remind ourselves who we truly are. What do we want out of life? Which goal we are striving for. Attempting to determine how these unanticipated arrivals may impact our plans is another important step. Do we need to keep them close? Are they there to only divert our attention from our main goal or may they assist us in accomplishing it? We should have the fortitude necessary to overcome all of these deterrents and continue on our path to a decent future. First and foremost, we should entirely get rid of them; but, if for some reason we are unable to do so, we should give them a space in the most arid region of our thoughts and hearts. The area that receives little attention from us and has little bearing on how we do our daily business, don’t forget that you deserve some respect as an individual, even when we are unable to make anyone feel the way we feel about them. Do not allow somebody to undermine your self-esteem. Don’t let anyone use your weapon against you. Be brave enough to uphold your respect and dignity. Do not allow these feelings to undermine your self-respect. I know it won’t be easy, but the truth is that you must constantly remind yourself of your place in the universe; otherwise, things might continue as they are right now. Let’s be a little self-centered for a moment and consider your self-respect, which you worked so hard to obtain and which, once lost, cannot be gained back. Only then, my friend can you accomplish the goal of this sperm’s survival, which outlasted billions of competitors to prevail and exist here as a human being.